The mowing between the Professional (Site notre blog d’information) League (LFP), chaired by Vincent Labrune, and the Senate information mission on “The intervention of the investment fund in French (Site notre bureau spécialisé)”. While the rapporteur Michel Savin (Isère, Les Républicains, LR) is supposed to submit his report at the end of October, the LFP sent a long, angry letter to the President of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, to “alert” on the postage and communication prices of this mission “which today seems to respond to a politico-media agenda unknown to the body” and which she considers as a “unbearable interference in the normal functioning of the body”particularly at the time of Mr. Labrune’s re-election on September 10.
On this letter dated October 4, you will be sent to the French (Site notre blog d’information) Federation and will not The World Having taken note, the LFP is particularly outraged by the press release published on October 2 on the Senate website by Mr. Savin and Laurent Lafon (Val-de-Marne, Union of Democrats and Independents), president of the mission. The senators denounced the “trompe l’oeil reduction” Vincent Labrune’s salary is based on the allocation of the two Ligue 1 television stations, etc.
Based on information from The Teamthe two senators had deplored the “doubling of the salary of the president of the LFP” Voted in 2022, the official announcement was made by the League, with a 30% reduction in this distribution (from 1.2 million euros annually to 840,000 euros), validated by the board of directors. This is what Mr. Labrune says about it “end of mandate compensation” of 5.4 million euros.
For the LFP, “This episode is a new illustration of the fact-finding mission published to date, less attached to informing on a subject of general interest than to publicly passing judgment on all the decisions taken by and within the body.”
“Confusions and conflicts”
She condemns “accusations under the guise of interrogations”read “insinuations and a presentation that is equally partial and catastrophic of the situation of French (Site notre bureau spécialisé)” and list several interventions that would fall under a “political-media instrumentalization”. In particular the interview given by Mr. Savin to The Teamon July 27, at the Senate hearing of Mr. Labrune, or at the press conference of two parliamentarians, on September 12, after “check on documents” from the Paris headquarters of the LFP. During this, the senators “have several hasty judgments and postulates devoid of all objective elements”accuse the institution.
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